Polish Scouting Organization-Z.H.P Inc.

Our Motto: Czuwaj! Be Prepared!

Our Activities

Our troops usually meet once a week during the school year and participate in a two week summer camp. The purpose of these activities, both in town and at camp, is to help scouts become future leaders, by earning merit badges and ranks and serving their community. In addition, the scouts participate in community events, such as Pułaski Day parades, dance festivals, and world scouting jamborees.

Who We Are

Our purpose is to develop well-rounded individuals through a program of merit badges, camping and exploring trips, and volunteer work within the community. Incorporating Polish language and heritage into out program distinguishes us from American scouting. Tens of thousands have passed through our ranks in the United States since 1949..

Our Organization

We are a non-profit organization, staffed entirely by dedicated volunteers who offer their time as troop leaders, counselors, camp directors and outfitters. The majority of them are young Americans of Polish descent who continue the work begun by their predecessors in Poland over 100 years ago.


Our organization's origins are the same as those of other scouting groups. Lord Robert Baden-Powell's work with boy scouts at the turn of the 20th Century evolved into the international scouting movement. The Polish Scouting Movement, "Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego", began in 1910, pioneered by Andrzej and Olga Małkowski. We are a continuation of that tradition as a scouting group abroad, carrying on its activities in the Polish language.

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